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Jesus Loves Me
These 3 days have been very busy (yes, after the long break). 1st, I thank God for answering my prayer. Though surprised that God give it to me that fast. 2nd, I praise God for strength to observe and conduct a portion of the therapy sessions on 4 cases of children with special needs. I observed how experienced therapists 'do the job' and I gain so much more when I do it hands on. 3rd, I thank God for challenges. I had a challenging case this morning, not the best way to start a day’s therapy but its also good because I have full energy (with the help of coffee, heehee) on this child - low compliances and high attention seeking. Oh boy, the 2 hours therapy session seems like the longest hour today. I was physically and mentally draining, but wow, it was so fulfilling and fruitful just to do the session with him. At least there is a slight improvement or should I say I've 'warmed up' with him and I've kinda learn to understand his behaviours. What happen today really challenged me to reflect and appreciate the simple JESUS LOVES ME Sunday school song that we are so familiar yet often a times taken for granted.
He was throwing tantrum and crying for 30mins! Throughout I observed how the therapist controlled the situation. Hmm, nah, didn't work. Then came the supervision – ya, the pro in action. It's not a Christian therapy so I was very surprised when the supervisor sang 'Jesus Loves Me' to calm the boy. Being the only Christian around other than the supervisor, I joined in too…. PTL, the boy stopped crying. He looked at us quietly, his mucus was dripping (yeew :P haha) within seconds, he was peaceful. Yes, Peaceful is the word to describe that few minutes of silence. I don't know if he understood what we sang. But I know the presence of God is there to bring comfort. As I was singing along, every word became so real & meaningful to me once again that tears welled up my eyes.
I placed myself in his shoes, his difficulties in communicating his frustration & distress. Yet despite all, 'Jesus Loves him, this I know'. 'For the Bible tells me so' that he can seek comfort from HIM who knows that 'though he is weak, He (God) is strong'. I just couldn't control those tears. Thankfully I was sitting behind the supervisor, so hmm no one saw it I guess. The song ministered not just to the boy but to me too.
Thought for the day: Though I offer 101% of my attention and energy on each case and get only 30% response from the child, still I think it's worth it. Because every tear he cry is not wasted, He sees, He understand and He cherish them as precious ones in His eyes. I'm asking God for more of His love for these grp of children. I'm out to Make A Difference!
~derek~ |
~min~ |
his Wishlist
1. Toyota RAV4 2. Oakley sunglasses 3. Adventure PC Games 4. A whole set of drumsticks 5. An XBOX or PS3 6. Skydiving 7. Bungee 8. MacBook Pro 9. 8 Megapixel Digicam 10. Home Recording Studio 11. Analog Guitar Effects 12. iPhone 13. Europe/Japan/NZ Trip |
her Wishlist
1. New Laptop 2. MiniDV Handycam Camcorder 3. Holiday to Europe again! 4. Wii Nintendo 5. PASSION Conference 6. Melbourne Koko Black Chocolates 7. our own hse :) |