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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Tornado week

Was on leave yesterday to celebrate my mum, bro and moi birthday – but I foot the bill. haha. It was as usual fun and my mum did lots of hilarious stuff at the restaurant which my bro & I couldn’t stop laughing. We’re hilarious people-it runs in the genes! After which visited my grandma and had seafood dinner with my relatives - Very satisfying, not the food but the bonding. Eh, I think that’s the highlight for my week (+ looking forward to see Derek when he's back from his work trip on Fri) other than that, the rest have been dreadful.

Been avoiding many nonsense calls. Frustrated with delays, empty promises and irresponsible people that gets me soooooo irked. It’s so easy to lose your cool when faced with challenges and I was cautious not to. Prayed for added grace and strength to deal with the vast amount of stress (outside of work). Speaking in tongues and worshipping in songs really helped calm my spirit. I find myself more composed when facing the one who created all the hassles in my life. It has to be God’s strength that I could talk to him nicely and firm in order to get things done. This morning’s QT brought much assurance and comfort that I tear before Big Daddy – “Yet the Lord is faithful [trusted] and He will strengthen [make me strong] and set me on a firm foundation and guard [protect] me from evil [harm].” 2 Thess 3:3. This scripture came in so timely. No matter how dreadful things can be. There is one thing for sure, my Heavenly Father never fails.

..I will endure.. It's a beautiful week ahead despite the 'tornado'! =)

~~Huimin~~ at 6/24/2009 12:22:00 pm   
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Friday, June 12, 2009

Finally.... 1st post for 09 :P

It’s my first blog entry as Mrs Foo or some call me Madam Chong…argh, sound so old. Bleah… Anyway, we’re finally back after a super long break from blogging. Yes we are sooo lazy. So here are some main highlights over the past 6 months. (Though I wonder who still visit our blog????... anyway here goes)

Honeymoon at Club Med Bali – awesome! We took up the honeymoon package that includes free spa/body massage which we only used it on the last day when our body are aching all over from the sea and land sports. Club Med is the place to experience creative activities or for the simple pleasure of hanging out together. I wanna go again! Maybe Club Med Maldives?!

Married life – We’re getting settled in our new room and stuff. Getting to know each other even better. I do get concerned questions like ‘how’s married life?’ ‘How’s living with in-laws’ ‘how I’m coping with new environment’ etc, etc, etc.. Thanks everyone for your love and concerns. Married life is…Very Good =) and it will be good So long as God is in the centre of it all. We have been going back to my parents’ place every weekend for dinners too. It’s nice to be back to catch up with them, familiar home-cooked food/soup, sleep on MY FAVORITE BED, Hug my big cushions and also to disturb my brother. =) And because of my job training and Derek’s 2 weeks reservist, we were not able to apply leaves for youth camp, bleah. Nonetheless, I managed to make the most of this week sorting out and packing our messy room and spent some quality time with my family.

Work life – I’m filled with awe and thanksgiving when I talk about my job. It’s not a Christian organisation yet it makes me feel like serving in a Christ-centered ministry – serving people in need. I believe it is God’s divine intervention & His will to place me here. I’m growing, learning and defining my purpose throughout my 6 months here. Training has been beneficial and I’m already seeing patients. I enjoy meeting and working with children and their caregivers, though they come in weary; I aim to help them in whatever way possible to ease their anxiety and give them a glimpse of hope. My colleagues commented that my sessions are always filled with songs and laughter and it penetrates through the office walls. Some even requested to observe my session because it sounds fun. Hmm you must be thinking what is she working as? Doctor? Social worker? Counselor? Teacher? Nope… none of the above…. Though I have patients mistakenly addressed me as doctor.

Ok gtg now to see my next patient... Till next time...

~~Huimin~~ at 6/12/2009 11:19:00 am   
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Aaron Wong
Abriel Ghui
Alex Tay
Alvin Goh
Amanda Lee
Amy Lin
Anastasia Ghui
Andrew Yu
Angelia Lee
Belinda Goh
Benson Tan
Brian Seah
Calvin Ng
Celine Lim
Charles Zhang
Chen Youxin
Cheng Shuyun
Clement Cheong
Danielle Hon
Deborah Koh
Eileen Seah
Elvin Foong
Esther Goh
Esther Tan
Eugene Lim
Eunice Kang
Fred Edwin
Gavin Ng
Gideon Lim
Grace Chen
Gwendolyn Wu
Isa Foong
Jane Xie
Jeanette Tan
Jeremy Koh
Joanna Sun
Joanne Sam
John Tan
Joseph Chan
Joshua [Edge]
Joshua Chew
Kelvin Chua
Kelvin Han
Kenneth Lim
Krissy Lim
Linda Ha
Manson Tuan
Marcus Thng
Matthew Leck
Matthew Yap
Maween Yap
Michelle Cheong
Michelle Lim
Michelle Teo
Michelle Teo (Elim)
Milton Sau
Rebecca Koh
Regina Siew
Rowena Lee
Samantha Chia
Samantha Koh
Sarah Jane
Shann Lee
Shermaine Cheong
Shu Ai
Terence Tan
Timothy Seow
Tino Chow
Vanessa Ng
Vania Soon
Winston Lau
Zhou Chongji


Software developer, music, movies, anime, manga, drumming, guitars, sleeping, rice-bin, eating, quiet, God!


loves to day dream, humorous, c.r.a.z.y., bingeing, precious moments, guitar/bass and talking to big daddy!

Acknowledgements and thanks to...

God, the creator of creativity
Min, for supporting and giving me half the idea in the first place

Milton, the unnamed and uncredited spokesman/ambassador/salesman for Apple
Andrew Yu, another Apple spokesman

Deviant Art artists for graphics and ideas
Joshua Olsen, wae Technologies for OS X bar
Mark Newhouse,

and the many many others who have inspired this creation...

his Wishlist

1. Toyota RAV4
2. Oakley sunglasses
3. Adventure PC Games
4. A whole set of drumsticks
5. An XBOX or PS3
6. Skydiving
7. Bungee
8. MacBook Pro
9. 8 Megapixel Digicam
10. Home Recording Studio
11. Analog Guitar Effects
12. iPhone
13. Europe/Japan/NZ Trip

her Wishlist

1. New Laptop
2. MiniDV Handycam Camcorder
3. Holiday to Europe again!
4. Wii Nintendo
5. PASSION Conference
6. Melbourne Koko Black Chocolates
7. our own hse :)