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Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Getting your feet wet (part 2)

This is a continuation to my previous post. Not that I have got my thoughts together. Hmmm its an attempt to understand the subject matter "Getting my feet wet"
1) The priest carried the ark of the covenant (symbolised the presence of God)
2) Entering the Jordan River (symbolised the act of faith, trust and total surrender to God)
3) Parting the Jordan River (symbolised the miracles and the power of God, He parted the river only when the priest stepped in to show them that He is the true God and not those idols they worshipped in the wilderness)

Do you know that you yourselves are God's temple and His spirit lives in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him for God's temple is Sacred and you that temple. (1 Cor 3:16-17)

The Ark of the Covenant lives in us and we are the royal priesthood. To carry the ark is to live out the life in Christ. This whole experience of crossing the Jordan River is a timely message for me as I seek God in the area of my work. His assurance and prompting for me to 'cross that river' (overcome my barrier) 'get my feet wet' (taking action) and dip into 'the river' (the uncertainty) so that I can enter 'the promise land' (His perfect plan for my life) requires great courage and trust.

I am pretty sure what I should do next. Obey and just submit. Though the decision didn't come easy. I know my God is bigger than these problems, doubts and fears and I am learning to trust HIM more.

He's giving me 3 simple instructions: GO into the River... CROSS the river & ENTER the promise land
(am still praying and seeking) hmm maybe there'll be part 3 of "Getting your feet wet"?? :) haha!! And this can become a bible study session liao. :P *kidding*


~~derek~~ at 10/25/2006 11:02:00 am   
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Thursday, October 19, 2006

Getting your feet wet

7 And the LORD said to Joshua, "Today I will begin to exalt you in the eyes of all Israel, so they may know that I am with you as I was with Moses. 8 Tell the priests who carry the ark of the covenant: 'When you reach the edge of the Jordan's waters, go and stand in the river.' "
9 Joshua said to the Israelites, "Come here and listen to the words of the LORD your God.
(Joshua 3:7-9)

To enter the promise land the Israelites had to cross the Jordan River - High tide...and they have been wondering (waited) for 40 years! It would take them great courage and trust to obey God's overcome the barrier of their doubts and fears.

What are some of the barriers we allow to exist between us and the calling God has given us to fulfill?

I ask myself, what are some areas that might be keeping me from completely trusting HIM and committing my life to Him?

Many of us and I speak for myself are reluctant to step out in faith to pursue the calling God has given to them. Clearly God could have divided the Jordan River at any time He chose. Why do you think He waited until the priests entered the water carrying the ark?

Imagine that I (you) standing on the banks of the Jordan River and the land on the other side represent my (your) life's mission or a specific task God has given me (you). What represents the "Jordan River" is the barrier in my (your) life that keeps me (you) from entering in the life God intends for me (you). How should I (you) take a step of faith to cross that "Jordan River" in my (your) life?

Am I getting my feet wet? Taking that step in my "Jordan River" in obedience to God (mind you, this is not a shallow river and the priests were holding the ark of the covenant)

Will share more when I get my thoughts together. Meanwhile... take time to evaluate.


~~derek~~ at 10/19/2006 10:39:00 am   
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Aaron Wong
Abriel Ghui
Alex Tay
Alvin Goh
Amanda Lee
Amy Lin
Anastasia Ghui
Andrew Yu
Angelia Lee
Belinda Goh
Benson Tan
Brian Seah
Calvin Ng
Celine Lim
Charles Zhang
Chen Youxin
Cheng Shuyun
Clement Cheong
Danielle Hon
Deborah Koh
Eileen Seah
Elvin Foong
Esther Goh
Esther Tan
Eugene Lim
Eunice Kang
Fred Edwin
Gavin Ng
Gideon Lim
Grace Chen
Gwendolyn Wu
Isa Foong
Jane Xie
Jeanette Tan
Jeremy Koh
Joanna Sun
Joanne Sam
John Tan
Joseph Chan
Joshua [Edge]
Joshua Chew
Kelvin Chua
Kelvin Han
Kenneth Lim
Krissy Lim
Linda Ha
Manson Tuan
Marcus Thng
Matthew Leck
Matthew Yap
Maween Yap
Michelle Cheong
Michelle Lim
Michelle Teo
Michelle Teo (Elim)
Milton Sau
Rebecca Koh
Regina Siew
Rowena Lee
Samantha Chia
Samantha Koh
Sarah Jane
Shann Lee
Shermaine Cheong
Shu Ai
Terence Tan
Timothy Seow
Tino Chow
Vanessa Ng
Vania Soon
Winston Lau
Zhou Chongji


Software developer, music, movies, anime, manga, drumming, guitars, sleeping, rice-bin, eating, quiet, God!


loves to day dream, humorous, c.r.a.z.y., bingeing, precious moments, guitar/bass and talking to big daddy!

Acknowledgements and thanks to...

God, the creator of creativity
Min, for supporting and giving me half the idea in the first place

Milton, the unnamed and uncredited spokesman/ambassador/salesman for Apple
Andrew Yu, another Apple spokesman

Deviant Art artists for graphics and ideas
Joshua Olsen, wae Technologies for OS X bar
Mark Newhouse,

and the many many others who have inspired this creation...

his Wishlist

1. Toyota RAV4
2. Oakley sunglasses
3. Adventure PC Games
4. A whole set of drumsticks
5. An XBOX or PS3
6. Skydiving
7. Bungee
8. MacBook Pro
9. 8 Megapixel Digicam
10. Home Recording Studio
11. Analog Guitar Effects
12. iPhone
13. Europe/Japan/NZ Trip

her Wishlist

1. New Laptop
2. MiniDV Handycam Camcorder
3. Holiday to Europe again!
4. Wii Nintendo
5. PASSION Conference
6. Melbourne Koko Black Chocolates
7. our own hse :)