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Monday, July 04, 2005

Shoppings, Outings and Weddings

Hey everyone, its been a while.. but I've finally decided to update since I think my last update was just under a month ago... Let's do some recap...

1st week: Reservist was kinda fun... meeting up with the battalion, fellow officers etc... though it was really packed for the first few days, but everything was great once we went outfield! Even had time to hold talk-cock session during the night.. hehehe =)

2nd week: This week was pretty normal... work was piling.. though a good thing was that I didn't have to really follow the deadline too soon due to it being a in-house project.. =P

3rd week: More work during the week... but attended another officer's wedding on Saturday... had the sword party again just like Jimmy's wedding.. and it was also good catching up with other officers from the arty officer cadet course! Loads of fun =)

4th week: Last week of June... We've been asked to go to God@Work church, which was first started by Ps Lawrence Seow, to help out in the worship ministry. So we'll be there tentatively till the end of the year and then we can evaluate and see if we need to extend our stay...

It's min's birthday today!! I thank God for my dearie cos she's always so encouraging and supportive of what I do.. =) Yesterday night went for bowling after dinner and today its the Jurong Birdpark!! I'll get the photos up soon.. I hope.. anyways the birdpark wasn't very exciting... the zoo's definitely a better place.. but there were still some memorable moments.. the king of the skies show, where i got smacked with a vulture's wingtip when it flew past (everybody was ducking every now and then cos the bird's low flying was really kinda too low), the all-star bird show, where min got sung a happy birthday song by a parrot, and probably the pelican feeding. Those birds are huge..

After that went to Sakae Sushi for dinner buffet... we kinda started way too fast... so by the end of dinner we were just about ready to explode!! it hurt man! just to try and walk it off, we headed over in the direction of the padang.. it looked fantastic man! the lights and screens and all.. in preparation for NDP.. still remember what we did last year for NDP in brissie... all squeeze into alvin's house and try to watch on TV the super small webcast!! hahaha.. well can't watch it live this year, but still can go see fireworks I suppose.. any takers?!

Today is shopping day!! I had guitar lesson in the morning first... then I headed over to Sinamex to drop off my Les Paul for repair... then went to City Music... The guy demo-ed the PODxt Live again for me, including the software demo as well as the Line6 Variax.. AHHHHHHH *drool*.. so I dropped in my deposit for the PODxt Live!!! Yes finally i'm getting an effects pedal!! It's only gonna come in early August can't wait!! And after the Variax demo.. that's my next guitar target!
It's like having 25 guitars for the price of one!!!! And together with my PODxt Live, its like killer arsenal man!!! (min's gonna pinch my ears again!! she was equally excited loh.. =P) You can check it all out here at the Line6 website. Then it was her turn to shop... 4 tops and 2 pairs of slippers!! And its only the beginning.. i'm quite sure of it... considering that she still got vouchers to use.. hehehe.. =P

Ok I think this post is long enough for today.. I've got to get back to work.. hehehe.. =PAlrighty peepz, till next time!

~~derek~~ at 7/04/2005 09:22:00 am   
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Aaron Wong
Abriel Ghui
Alex Tay
Alvin Goh
Amanda Lee
Amy Lin
Anastasia Ghui
Andrew Yu
Angelia Lee
Belinda Goh
Benson Tan
Brian Seah
Calvin Ng
Celine Lim
Charles Zhang
Chen Youxin
Cheng Shuyun
Clement Cheong
Danielle Hon
Deborah Koh
Eileen Seah
Elvin Foong
Esther Goh
Esther Tan
Eugene Lim
Eunice Kang
Fred Edwin
Gavin Ng
Gideon Lim
Grace Chen
Gwendolyn Wu
Isa Foong
Jane Xie
Jeanette Tan
Jeremy Koh
Joanna Sun
Joanne Sam
John Tan
Joseph Chan
Joshua [Edge]
Joshua Chew
Kelvin Chua
Kelvin Han
Kenneth Lim
Krissy Lim
Linda Ha
Manson Tuan
Marcus Thng
Matthew Leck
Matthew Yap
Maween Yap
Michelle Cheong
Michelle Lim
Michelle Teo
Michelle Teo (Elim)
Milton Sau
Rebecca Koh
Regina Siew
Rowena Lee
Samantha Chia
Samantha Koh
Sarah Jane
Shann Lee
Shermaine Cheong
Shu Ai
Terence Tan
Timothy Seow
Tino Chow
Vanessa Ng
Vania Soon
Winston Lau
Zhou Chongji


Software developer, music, movies, anime, manga, drumming, guitars, sleeping, rice-bin, eating, quiet, God!


loves to day dream, humorous, c.r.a.z.y., bingeing, precious moments, guitar/bass and talking to big daddy!

Acknowledgements and thanks to...

God, the creator of creativity
Min, for supporting and giving me half the idea in the first place

Milton, the unnamed and uncredited spokesman/ambassador/salesman for Apple
Andrew Yu, another Apple spokesman

Deviant Art artists for graphics and ideas
Joshua Olsen, wae Technologies for OS X bar
Mark Newhouse,

and the many many others who have inspired this creation...

his Wishlist

1. Toyota RAV4
2. Oakley sunglasses
3. Adventure PC Games
4. A whole set of drumsticks
5. An XBOX or PS3
6. Skydiving
7. Bungee
8. MacBook Pro
9. 8 Megapixel Digicam
10. Home Recording Studio
11. Analog Guitar Effects
12. iPhone
13. Europe/Japan/NZ Trip

her Wishlist

1. New Laptop
2. MiniDV Handycam Camcorder
3. Holiday to Europe again!
4. Wii Nintendo
5. PASSION Conference
6. Melbourne Koko Black Chocolates
7. our own hse :)